Free HD Content from the Ad Council

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

AD Council illustration graphic
Digital PSA Library

Did you know that you can download a wide variety of high quality public service announcements for free on Provided by the Ad Council, PSA Central has a broad catalogue of HD content available for download. Whether you need content for your broadcast channel, digital signage displays, or web stream, PSAs from the Ad Council help you fill air time and get important messages out to your community.

This week, many people are wondering how they can help with disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma. PSA Central often features timely content on events such as natural disasters that help you not only get a message out on your channels, but get it out fast.

PSA Central also features more evergreen content on important issues like addiction support, emergency preparedness, diversity and inclusion, general public health announcements and more. You can choose different file formats, announcement lengths and many of their campaigns are available for preview before downloading. Many of their campaigns are also available in Spanish.

All you need to do is create an account on the PSA Central website. The Ad Council requests (but does not require) that you send them reports on when and where you use the content* and the donated value. This information helps ensure that they can continue to get funding for future production. The Ad Council also requests that you not run a PSA past its listed expiration date, which is displayed in the program information for each video. So mind those two items and commence with informing your community!

*Digital Signage and Broadcast solutions from Tightrope Media Systems include standard features to track and export digital signage impressions and broadcast runs. Contact us  today to learn more about these and other time-saving features for getting important messages out fast.

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