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Cablecast Events

PEG Experts Webinar: Be your town's local events champion

PEG Experts Webinar: Be your town's local events champion

March 3, 2020
March 3, 2020

March 3, 2020

1pm CST

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Local events are a powerful way to build strong communities. In theory, the more the merrier, however, everyone from the mayor to the neighborhood gardening collective wants to “get the word out” and residents want an easy way to see it one place. You care about providing this information, but the effort required by your staff can be a total time suck. The information is in too many places, it’s labor intensive to manually enter, it's difficult to keep up to date, and local organizations aren’t always responsive to requests.  

Enter Burbio. In the next edition of our PEG Experts Webinar series we will explore a new solution designed specifically to alleviate the pain points of compiling events and help you reclaim time to actually plan (or even provide live coverage of) events rather than wrangle lists. Burbio, automatically—with no work required by the station staff—collects and dynamically updates school, government, library and community events into a convenient feed for your broadcast bulletin board, website and social media. Join us to learn how this time-saving solution can bolster your role as an indispensable hyperlocal resource.

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