Dana's Hot Take on NATOA 2022

Updated: Feb 27, 2023

Scenic photo of downtown Denver Colorado for NATOA 2022
Dana Healy, VP of Cablecast

The 2022 Annual NATOA Conference in Denver, Colorado was held in person for the first time since 2019. Over 200 attendees attended sessions and met with their friendly vendors at the Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel. This was my first NATOA conference. Here are my hot takes!

Zero Fare for Better Air

Thanks to the RTD "Zero Fare for Better Air" initiative, there were no fares across the transit system during the month of August. Coming off the plane, I was able to hop on a train and go straight to downtown Denver for free! Digital signage, like Cablecast CG Bulletin Board, would have been an excellent tool to inform transit users of the “Zero Fare” initiative. Great planning on NATOA’s part to align the conference with free transit fares.

First Time Attendees

Being a first time attendee, I joined the networking happy hour with other first timers. Each table was themed. Our table had videographers and programmers. I had the chance to learn about initiatives Karen Tolson, the Director of Programming at the DC Office of Cable had spearheaded, and what Chelsea Clinton of City of Eugene hoped to get out of the conference. I had the opportunity to chat about Cablecast Over the Top channels and mobile apps, which interested many attendees.


NATOA is a volunteer organization. It is powered by engaged volunteers from all over the country. The committees include Communications, Policy and Legal, Community Broadband and Digital Equity, Conference, Government Programming Awards, Membership, Public Safety, and Video Production. Are you a member of NATOA? Consider volunteering for one of these committees. Don’t have the time? Use Cablecast to automate and distribute your content, giving you the extra time you need to volunteer!

The Secrets of Cinematic Feel

Speakers Jonathan Kirsch, Alex Klinger, and Brian Groves were moderated by Mark Kaufmann as they shared tips to transform government videos into story-telling masterpieces. Although the panel was split on shooting in either 30 FPS or 24 FPS, they all agreed that a variety of tools helped them get the best shot, such as slides, filters, and gimbals. When their cinematic video is complete, many cities utilize Cablecast REFLECT to showcase their work online.

Closed Captioning: Is AI the Answer?

The Closed Captioning panel unearthed some excellent best practices to get quality captioning. Tips like voice samples, custom vocabularies, speaking into the microphone, and staying up to date with software all help in providing quality captions. Cablecast has Cablecast Closed Captioning, which is a seamless, high-accuracy automated solution available directly in the Cablecast web interface.

Lucky Strike

The off site reception was sponsored by CCUA and Kissinger & Fellman, PC, at Lucky Strike. It featured a bowling alley, billiards, lawn games, drinks, and food. It was an excellent time to network and connect socially with colleagues. Cablecast President, Steve Israelsky, bowled the best game of his life with a score of 197. We assume he bowled so well because he was so excited about being with all the NATOA 2022 attendees again!

Cablecast was proud to be the Opening Reception Sponsor for the NATOA 2022 conference. See you at Long Beach, California in 2023!


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