event details

Cablecast Events

NATOA 2019 Annual Conference

NATOA 2019 Annual Conference

Tampa, FL
September 23, 2019
September 26, 2019

Nationally Recognized Local Government Association
The National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) is the premier local government professional association that provides support to our members on the many local, state, and federal communications laws, administrative rulings, judicial decisions, and technology issues impacting the interests of local governments. Founded in 1980, we offer a wide range of advocacy services to individual and agency members representing cities, towns, counties and commissions across the country.  NATOA actively analyzes and addresses emerging issues in areas such as:  

Local Government Communications and Internet Policy

Broadband Planning Best Practices

Cable Franchising

Operation of Public, Education and Government (PEG) Access Channels

Wireless Zoning

New Technology Initiatives and Advancements

For more information visit the NATOA Conference website.

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