Government Video Podcast Ep. 6 - Sustainable Revenue & Earned Income Strategies

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

"Government Video Podcast Episode 6: Earned Income Strategies" - The image features a podcast setup with a government building icon, a microphone, and a control room filled with screens in the background, emphasizing the topic of generating income through governmental video initiatives.

Hey everyone, Dana here. We just wrapped up another episode. This week we’re talking to our friends in Community Media. I met Larry Seidlinger of Lincoln County Television (LCTV) in Maine, a man whose fascinating switch from a career in trucking and logistics to managing a local TV station is nothing short of inspiring.

Imagine transitioning from the open road to the airwaves, bringing years of logistics expertise into the realm of community television. Larry shares his unique path to becoming a pivotal figure in revitalizing a small station that was nearly forgotten by its community. It’s a story of transformation, not just for Larry but for LCTV itself, which under his leadership, has become a beacon of local engagement and a cornerstone in Lincoln County.

In this episode, you’ll get to hear how Larry’s pragmatic approach and deep-rooted connection to his community helped steer the station back from financial troubles through innovative local partnerships and programming that resonates with residents. From organizing concerts that bring together generations of music lovers to navigating the station through the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Larry’s journey is a masterclass in leadership and creativity.

But it's not just about overcoming obstacles; it’s about seizing opportunities. Larry dives into the intricacies of operating a classic PEG (Public, Education, Government) station and explores how LCTV has carved its niche by offering invaluable services to the community, turning potential setbacks into setups for greater achievements, and more importantly, revenue generation.

So, whether you’re a community media enthusiast, a local government official, or just someone curious about the transformative power of local television, this episode has something for you. Tune in to discover how a small station in Maine is making big waves, proving that with the right leadership and vision, even the smallest platforms can have a significant impact.


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